Friday, April 1, 2016

"There may be pain in the night, but hope comes in the morning."

This is harder than I thought it would be. As the week progresses, literally every day I have said to myself, "Well, at least it can't get any worse!"

What a joke.

I do not understand. Some people take this so lightly, pregnancy and carrying another tiny person, even just children in general. I have never felt such a heart tearing feeling in my life. Some shit has gone down before, some shit that will never get any easier... But this, this is different.

This is life changing.

This is my child.

I can feel her tiny legs kick with all the force she is able to muster, I can hear her tiny heart beating, and see the small but strong strokes of it when I am at my OB's office.

"There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning."

All week I have had this very real sense of peace, and comfort from God. But I can't help but feeling it all crumbling down around my head. I feel panic, I feel an overwhelming fear and dread. I feel like everything in my life is so different now than is was 3 years ago, along with my priorities and the things that matter the absolute most.

In the bible, one of God's promises is that when we get to heaven, we get a brand new body. Perfect, and without disease.

I have forgotten what that is.

I have no other choice but to believe this to be true, because I am drowning in my sadness with life and where I am, the state that my body is in. The anxiety that I cannot seem to control. The tears that never seem to run out.

The fear.
The hopelessness.
The anger.

I want to stop trembling, and I want to stop feeling the way I feel. I want to have complete hope in Christ, complete trust and total selflessness in Him.

And its so hard. I am weak and tired, exhausted from hanging on. I'm trying to let Him carry me. I am trying.

I've never been so afraid. I want my baby to not just be healthy. I am terrified of how I will deal with it if she isn't. If I'm feeling like this now, with no definite answers, what is going to happen if she needs surgery at birth? I always hype myself, and make things worse in my head. I'm praying that it is all ok, and I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I love her more than I've ever loved anything... And I don't know how to handle any of this.

I want peace. I want understanding. I want the damn rapture to come and take us so God can give us what he promised, brand new bodies in a perfect place, for ever and ever.

I am afraid. Writing helps. A little bit...

I need to sleep. I need to pray... I need a cup 'o noodles.

Peace, Mego out.

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