Thursday, May 26, 2016


So this whole baby thing ain't no joke. I've been here at Jersey Shore Medical about 11 hours now, my waj is already sore from all the new friends I've made!

What fun!

We got here at 5 pm, I was administered cervadil, that was around 7:30 pm. I asked for something to help me sleep around 9 pm, and received an ambien around 11 pm. I slept for maybe 45 minutes, and have been up since about 1:15 am. It is now 4 am.

My I.V. thingy has gone into alert mode like 17 fuckin' times. My poor husband can't get a wink of sleep!

I've been having pretty painful, consistent contractions since around 11, and I'm excited for more pain.

More pain means baby, and baby means happy mama.

They've got these gnarly lancets that they use to test my blood sugar, and the hugest tester I have ever seen in my life. It's seriously like the size of a large brick. Sorry, that is all my sleep deprived brain can come up with at the moment.

I hope this kid comes soon after morning breaks. I just want to hold her in my arms instead of my thorax.


I am hungry.

If I could have gone back and done anything differently at this point, I would have eaten before I left home, and I would have definitely smoked a shit ton of weed. Since apparently ambien doesn't work.

Peace, Mego out.